Updates on a new long term project about gender and the research that went into it

I can’t believe how rubbish I’ve been at keeping this blog updated. Since my last post in June 2012 (!!!) so many things have happened that I’m struggling to know where to start….I feel like I’ve been talking way too much already about what I’m just about to say, but here you go:

I was extremely lucky to have my work online noticed by an Italian curator working in France who commissioned me a new series of photographs for my first solo exhibition.


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How to start processing black and white film at home + my recipes for Tri-X in HC110

For a long time, while I was at uni, my film of choice has been HP5, a classic 400 iso emulsion by Ilford.

To be totally honest with you, it wasn’t so much of an informed choice, as I only knew about FP4 and HP5 and I chose the latter simply because it was faster (FP4 is 125 iso speed) and I was shooting in available light, needing the extra speed.

At university we only had a kind of developer, ID11, and for three years I just shoot HP5 developed in ID11, happily ignoring the existence of whole of world of other films and developer combinations.

 When I finished university and moved to London, I felt the urgency to do some research to be able to still shoot black and white film and to develop it at home.

Where to buy cheap film, paper and chemicals in the UK [UPDATED]

constantly shooting film, but at what price??

I know that most film photographers would be interested in this subject, so I decided to share my findings.

If you know any other shop that sells analog photographic materials at a reasonable prince, please write in the comments and I will add it to the list.

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Photography resources in London: the cheap darkroom on Chatsworth road (Homerton)

When I left university, I knew that I would miss the facilities immensely, especially the darkroom and the library, so, as soon as I settled in London, I started to hunt for a cheap rental darkroom to print my work at.

I’ve been looking everywhere on the internet and, I have to say, there aren’t many options in London for traditional printers, and most of them are too expensive for me, therefore I was delighted when I found out on a forum about a community darkroom in Homerton, literally round the corner from where I live, that apparently was one of the cheapest places where you could print both colour and black and white in London!

Photochats is a lovely lovely darkroom ran by Peter Young at Chats Palace, on Chatsworth road, in Homerton and I highly recommend it.

Unfortunately there’s no much information about this incredible place on the internet (they’re working at their website), so I’ve decided to copy their spring newsletter, with opening times, prices and descriptions of the facilities and of the courses, on this blog (after the cut)

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Testing with two twins

Recently I had the opportunity to fulfill a little photographic dream of mine: taking pictures of identical twins.

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